I officially declare this blog (for november at least) to be my nanowrimo headquarters.
Just in case someone who doesn't know what nano is comes across this post, allow me to enlighten you.
November is National Novel Writing Month. But it's not really just national. Thousands of people from all over the entire world participate.
All you have to do is write a novel in 30 days.
*screeching brakes* What the???
Yes, you read that right. One novel. 30 days.
(And yes, most of us are completely bonkers.)
-No stopping to edit.
-Just write up a storm.
-50k words from midnight on Nov. 1st to midnight on Nov. 30th. (This averages to about 1667 words a day.)
We're not talking publishable, here. (Yet. Editing comes later.)
And we're not even talking long. (50,000 words. That's the bare minimum for a novel length publication.)
The point of all this is really to get it done. For most people who want to write, the hardest part is just doing it. Once there's a rough draft to work with, there's motivation and a sense of accomplishment, and things happen.
The worst enemy for any writer is a blank page.
Nano is basically "confront that blank page and kick its sorry butt" month.
I did it last year.
To be a winner, all you have to do is meet your goal.
Just go to nanowrimo.org, type in a user name, and start keeping track of your word count.
It's only the 2nd. You still have time.
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